Sleep / Stress Management


Le sommeil occupe environ un tiers de notre temps. A 60 ans, nous avons passé l’équivalent de 20 ans à dormir. Perte de temps ou nécessité ? Le sommeil est primordial pour notre santé.


Do you suffer from insomnia? LaserAddict® has the solution: gentle laser treatment. It's an effective way of rebalancing the neuroendocrine system and giving you a peaceful night's sleep.


Sleep disorders can have a variety of causes. The discovery session enables us to establish a laser support program including coaching and scheduled sessions. With LaserAddict®, rebuild healthy sleep habits!


Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon in our society and the cause of many illnesses. Tensions and pressures, whether social, family or professional, are situations we all face. They can generate various disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, loss/increase of appetite, malaise, etc...


Feeling stressed or burnt out? We have the solution to help you regain your calm and serenity. The laser stress treatment process is possible. It stimulates the secretion of serotonin and dopamine. The laser stimulates the metabolism. Bioactive substances are released, promoting the healing process. This laser method is totally natural, pain-free, without contraindications and with no side effects. 


Addict to wellness!!!

soft laser: for better sleep

The different roles of sleep :

  • Hormonal stimulation
  • Brain maturation
  • Cellular reconstruction
  • Immune development
  • Learning and memorization
  • Increased vigilance
  • Improved mood


Le laser doux aide au rééquilibrage du système neuroendocrinien. Les causes des troubles du sommeil peuvent être diverses et pour certaines difficiles à déterminer. Certaines causes sont bénignes, d’autres plus sévères. Avec LaserAddict® reconstruisez de saines habitudes de sommeil en augmentant sa durée et sa qualité.

LaserAddict® is not a substitute for medical care and medication.


LASER: the solution to stress

The method offered by our LaserAddict center in Grenoble is totally natural, pain-free, with no contraindications and no side effects. The soft laser stimulates the metabolism and secretion of serotonin and dopamine. Bioactive substances are released, promoting the healing process. 

Persistent stress is the source of disease

If the body is always under the influence of stress, hormones such as adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol are released in the adrenal glands. High levels of adrenalin and cortisol trigger reactions in the body that lead to disease. Cortisol is an opponent of insulin, which is produced in the pancreas, reducing the effectiveness of insulin and leading to diabetes. Permanent stress results in the development of hypertension, risk of heart attack, exhaustion and a weakened immune system. Muscular tension, depression and burn-out are other consequences of stress. 

LaserAddict 2023 Health


We recommend 3 to 4 sessions to notice a reduction in symptoms.

A session lasts about an hour.

30 min de découverte de vos besoins, de vos troubles, conseils et mise en place d’un suivi


30 minutes of laser treatment that's gentle, painless and safe.


Would you like to make an appointment for a session?

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