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List of centers by region
Here you'll find all LaserAddict centers, sorted by department.
LaserAddict - Angers
Maine-et-Loire 49
LaserAddict - Aubagne
Bouches-du-Rhône 13
LaserAddict - Bergerac
Dordogne 24
LaserAddict - Béziers
Hérault 34
LaserAddict - Bonneville
Haute-Savoie 74
LaserAddict - Coutances
La Manche 50
LaserAddict - Foix
Ariège 09
LaserAddict - Grenoble
Isère 38
LaserAddict - Montaigu
Vendée 85
LaserAddict - Montbonnot
Isère 38
LaserAddict - Oyonnax
Ain 01
LaserAddict - Porto-Vecchio
Corse-du-sud 2A
LaserAddict - Reims
Marne 51
LaserAddict - Saint-Étienne
Loire 42
LaserAddict - Sélestat
Bas-Rhin 67
LaserAddict - Sens
Yonne 89
LaserAddict - Sevrier Annecy
Haute-Savoie 74
LaserAddict - Tours
Indre-et-Loire 37
LaserAddict - Venelles
Bouches-du-Rhône 13
LaserAddict - Vannes
Morbihan 56
Map of centers
This interactive map shows all our LaserAddict centers across France.
For the best experience, you can click on the location icon. This will allow the site to determine your current location and show you the LaserAddict center nearest you.
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LaserAddict in the world
Discover all our LaserAddict wellness centers around the world thanks to our extensive franchise network.
LaserAddict - DROM
French Overseas Departments and Regions
LaserAddict - MQ
Would you like to open a LaserAddict center in your town?
Thinking of opening a LaserAddict center in your town? Wondering if franchising is right for you? Discover LaserAddict, a fast-growing network in the wellness sector. As a franchisee, you could not only help people improve their well-being, but also build a booming business.